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Power BI

Power BI is the data visualisation platform from Microsoft that lets you distribute interactive reports throughout your organisation so you can spread Business Intelligence to all your staff. Designing and consuming Power BI data models and reports is entirely free with Power BI Desktop but you require a license when you want to share reports and dashboards thoughout the organisation. A Power BI Pro license costs around £7.50 per month per user from Microsoft and includes web, desktop and mobile access with the Power BI Client.

Power BI has many tools and infrastructure choices that you can exploit to create your data models and reports (see our blog on Why Microsoft BI is so Great! for further details) and we have created a software connector for you so that you can immediately start experiencing Power BI without spending weeks preparing and extracting your data from your accounting system.

Please view our interactive Power BI reports for Xero, Sage50 or QuickBooks Online and see for yourself how you can quickly view and interactively filter data on all your customers and suppliers, sales and purchases, and nominal balances and transactions. We give you the PBIX file containing all the reports so that you can easily include your own KPIs and we offer you training and consultancy to extend with additional data or bring in machine learning and other analyses on your data.

We offer a set of Power BI reports designed to work with accounting data and data extraction software that works with Xero, Quickbooks Online and Sage 50C (UK Version). You can extract the data from your accounting system in minutes and view a Power BI report within an hour of signing up for our service. We charge a monthly subscription for the connector software and supply you with the Power BI PBIX file so you can immediately tailor and extend all the reports or integrate with other data. Please see our video for a run-through the data and reports available and see how ownership of the PBIX file will allow you to immediately customise and extend the reporting process.

The data extraction process produces the following data files:

  • Customers
  • Supliers
  • Products
  • Sales broken down by Product and Customer
  • Purchases broken down by Product and Customer
  • Nominal Codes and all transactions to produce trial balance reports

Our pricing is just £500 a year (or £50 a month) for both the connector software and a Power BI Desktop PBIX file of all our accounting reports so you can immediately customise and extend the reports. We also offer a configuration and handholding process to ensure that you are up and running within 24 hours of purchase. Power BI Desktop is free but you will need Power BI Pro licenses from Microsoft to share information throughout your organisation or on mobile. We are database and accounting and Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM experts and additional consultancy, development and training is available worldwide.

We have been dealing with accounting software and Dynamics 365 CRM for years but Power BI is relatively new for us so please get in touch if you have any queries or ideas on how Power BI might work for you and we would be happy to discuss them with you. Please call Stamati Crook on +44 203 1799 444 or email

Dynamics 365 Connector

 XERO      Sage 50C     QuickBooks Online     Dynamics 365     Power BI